Saturday, June 5, 2010


I have not been reading the Twilight series, but many of my friends have and are already making plans to see the third movie, Eclipse, which doesn't open until the end of the month.

While chatting about the movie, one of my church-going friends confessed that she just started reading the series and is totally obsessed. It consumes all her free time. She reads so often and so intensely that her young daughter approached her as she was engrossed in reading one of the dark-covered books and asked, "Mama, are those your scriptures?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not Without a Fight

Living in Berkeley really changed the way I look at food. Books like Food Politics and Omnivore's Dilemma, and movies like Food Inc, and King Corn have influenced me to make changes in the way I cook and eat. It seems that I'm not the only one. The message is getting out and some people are getting mad. Looks like the corn growers are fighting back. Check out this ad that I caught on TV the other day. (After all, I now live in Iowa...)