Friday, January 22, 2010

Just Dessert

Kyle is the kind of boy who won't take "No" for an answer. When I told him that we didn't have any dessert and that I had no plans to make anything, he took it upon himself. After rummaging through the cupboards and banging around in the kitchen, he proudly served up his concoction. Afterward, deciding that this recipe was worth sharing with others, Kyle wrote it down and made copies to distribute to his teacher and friends at school. We hope you enjoy this original recipe!


naomi said...

i am filing this one for one of those "MUST HAVE SWEETS" days. good job kyle! sounds yummy! i hope you shared some with sean! :)

Brett and Ui said...

Sounds good to me!!! I'll have to have the kids try it and let you know what they think..of course, anything with chocolet? Its a WInner!!!

Zina said...

That is a very edible-sounding recipe! Much more so than some of my kids' experiments. (Come to think of it, it is more edible than the "pizza" Mabel made tonight with a tortilla crust, apple sauce instead of tomato sauce, sliced raw carrots, and pieces of sliced turkey. Ick. Rose and Ike gobbled it up.)

M-L said...

Kyle has a gift for making food, this is proof!